Your PT for the planet

Personalised sustainability coaching helping you take smart, effective steps for a greener lifestyle.

Personalised sustainability coaching helping you take smart, effective steps for a greener lifestyle.

We will only ever use your email address to contact you about our service.

Track Progress & Impact

Your coach will remind you of your achievements and help you understand your impact without the jargon.

Chat in WhatsApp

No new apps to download and learn, Just chat to your coach using WhatsApp.


Your coach is there whenever you need them and works with and around your busy schedule.

Accurate Info

Climate facts and information curated from respected sources.

Backed by Science

Uses behavioural science and coaching models proven to help goal achievement.

Motivation & Support

Your committed supporter and ally. Regular check-ins keep you on track.

AI for good

Imagine having an AI-powered climate expert, concierge and coach all rolled into one? Climate Coach is a super-smart, caring assistant that makes being greener easier, blending personal well-being with planetary health. It knows you, understands your needs and guides you towards new, enriching experiences.

Hello! 👋 Ready to take control of your energy use and save money?

Hello! 👋 Ready to take control of your energy use and save money?

Yes, definitely!

Yes, definitely!

Fantastic! A smart way to start is by monitoring your energy usage. How about we get you set up with an energy monitor?

Fantastic! A smart way to start is by monitoring your energy usage. How about we get you set up with an energy monitor?

Sounds good. What do you recommend?

Sounds good. What do you recommend?

I recommend the Hive Active Energy Monitor. It's user-friendly and helps you track your energy in real time. You can find it here:

I recommend the Hive Active Energy Monitor. It's user-friendly and helps you track your energy in real time. You can find it here:



Let me know when it arrives and I’ll help you with setting it all up.

Let me know when it arrives and I’ll help you with setting it all up.

Just do the next right thing

You did some research and you made some changes, but you know there's more to do. Climate Coach helps you find your next goal, make a plan and track your progress offering guidance and support along the way. It's simple. It's easy. And it doesn't give up.







Your life

Your life

Climate actions that count

Climate actions that count

Jemima, 38

Primary School Teacher, Mum of two, Bristol

Jemima’s goals


Replace a beef-based weekly meal

Food & Diet


Aim for at least one family cycling trip every weekend

Travel & Transport


Start a climate club at your school

Advocacy & Community


Rob, 34

Gardener, Dad of one, Plymouth

Rob’s goals


Switch to three ethical brands

Consumer habits


Move your money to a greener bank

Personal Finances


Introduce native plants in your garden

Home & Energy


The Power of Action

It's in our nature to follow those who inspire us. With Climate Coach, you become the trailblazer, inspiring your friends, coworkers, and community to embrace change. Each goal you achieve not only conserves carbon but also empowers others to join in, amplifying the impact of your actions across your entire network and pushing for real change at the top.

Your actions

Inspire others

Policy change

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

You’re not alone

What I need more is assurance that the changes that I make are going to make a markable impact.

— Jimmy, 42

We are short on time, so I could probably be more curious about what we're doing, but we only have a three hour window each night.

— Daniel, 38

When you see a big mountain, it's harder to climb. When you see it broken into little mini mountains, it's a lot easier to get to the top.

— Chris, 45

It's frustrating that we want to do things but not quite sure how to make a difference.

— Amy, 36

I want to do something more than just signing petitions.

— Katia, 44

It's just a bit daunting, isn't it? There's so many different things out there, so many different options.

— Jo, 37

I use an app to guide me on nutrition. I find it helpful because it's there to remind me and actually give me actionable things to do which makes life a lot easier.

— Chris, 45

Feel good about the future

Become a founding member and be the first to know when we launch

We will only ever use your email address to contact you about our service.

Made with 💚 in the UK | © 2024 Climate Coach Ltd

Made with 💚 in the UK | © 2024 Climate Coach Ltd